Blain Professional Portrait

Blain Judkins

Mixed Reality Research Assistant
Master of Engineering: Computer Engineering (student)



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Why I am in this Course:

I am in CSCE 656 Computers and New Media because I am looking to take a course that is different from the typical computer science courses that I have been taking. For this course, the thing that I am looking forward to the most is working on a project of my choosing. I have not decided yet on what kind of project I want to do, but I am interested in putting the skills that I have learned thus far in my education to make a project that has meaning and that will also be a challenge for me. At the end of the semester I want to be able to look back and be proud of the work that I put into this course. I am also very interested in seeing all of the other projects that my peers will make; it will be fun to return to this at the end of the semester to see what all has happened.

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Identify a Challenge:

When working as a Computer Science/Engineering Student I have to take a large variety of courses, this can start to cause problems because a lot of these course are all in different coding language or use different development softwares and it can be confusing sometimes coming back to one and have to learn some of the basics again.